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Salesforce Integration Tutorial Series

Hello Trailblazers,
Please find the below list of all the tutorials in Salesforce Integration Tutorial Series from SFDC Stop:-

  1. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 1 - Introduction and Setting up Workbench
  2. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 2 - Exploring GET Method
  3. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 3 - Exploring POST Method
  4. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 4 - Exploring DELETE Method
  5. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 5 - Exploring PUT Method
  6. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 6 - Exploring PATCH Method
  7. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 7 - Creating a test class for Apex Web Service
  8. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 8 - Apex REST Callouts
  9. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 9 - Test class for Apex REST Callout
  10. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 10 - SOAP API Callout
  11. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 11 - Test class for SOAP API Callout
  12. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 12 - Creating a SOAP Web Service in Apex
  13. Salesforce Integration Tutorial Part 13 - Creating a Test Class for a SOAP Web Service in Apex

API Clients Tutorials:-

  1. How to connect to Salesforce with Postman ?
  2. How to connect to Salesforce using SOAP APIs ? SOAP UI Tutorial

The full code used in the tutorial series is available at the GitHub Repository here:- https://github.com/rahulmalhotra/SFDC-Integration-Tutorial

Happy Trailblazing..!!


  1. I want to know detail about how to do put method using apex class ? and how to run without workbench

    1. Hi,

      For the PUT method you can have a look at the 5th tutorial in the series given above:- https://www.sfdcstop.com/2019/11/salesforce-integration-tutorial-part-5.html

      And to learn how to connect without workbench you can view the postman tutorial mentioned above:- https://www.sfdcstop.com/2019/01/how-to-connect-to-salesforce-with.html


  2. Hi Rahul

    I I want to know how to perform upsert operation using put method. I am getting two parameters id and country to identify existing records. Based on the id and country I have to upsert records. There will be multiple records in json. Please help e how to this

    1. Hi, first of all create a map of id and the related country, then query the records with those ids by using the map keyset() that are present in the system and loop those records, update the country in those records in the loop itself and remove the entry from the map.

      Finally, loop the remaining map and add new records to insert in the same list. Upsert that list.
