Hello Trailblazers,
In the previous two posts, we learned about how can we implement a binary tree in apex and how we can insert a new node in a binary tree based on the value of it's parent node. You can have a look at them here:- Binary Tree implementation in Apex and Insertion in Binary Tree based on parent node | Custom comparator in Apex. Now, it's time to put our knowledge in action and solve a real problem.
Tutorial Videos
Problem Statement: Find the Lead Manager
What is a Lead Manager?
How will you find the Lead Manager for two given employees?
public Id getLeadManager(Id firstEmployeeId, Id secondEmployeeId) { // * Add your code here }
Solution: Find the Lead Manager
Step 1
Employee__c topEmployee = [SELECT Id FROM Employee__c WHERE Manager__c = null];
Map<Id, Employee__c> employeesMap = new Map<Id, Employee__c>([
SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Employees__r) FROM Employee__c
Step 2
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- Binary Tree implementation in apex
* Created Date:- 13-07-2021
* Last Modified:- 14-07-2021
* Code Origin:- SFDC Stop (https://www.sfdcstop.com)
public class BinaryTree {
// * Node class
public class Node {
Object data;
Node left;
Node right;
public Node(Object data) {
this.data = data;
this.left = NULL;
this.right = NULL;
public Object getData() {
return data;
// * Root of binary tree
Node root;
// * Method to insert data in binary tree
private void insertData(Object data) {
// * If root is NULL, create a new node and return
if(root==NULL) {
root = new Node(data);
// * Initializing a queue of nodes
List<Node> nodesQueue = new List<Node>();
// * Adding root node to the queue
// * Looping while queue is not empty
while(!nodesQueue.isEmpty()) {
// * Getting the current node and removing it from the queue
Node current = nodesQueue.get(0);
// * If the left child of current node is not null, add it to the queue
if(current.left!=NULL) {
// * Otherwise, create a new node and attach it as the left child
else {
current.left = new Node(data);
// * If the right child of current node is not null, add it to the queue
if(current.right!=NULL) {
// * Otherwise, create a new node and attach it to the right child
else {
current.right = new Node(data);
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to insert data inside a binary tree based on the parent node's data
public Node insertData(Object data, Object parentData, Comparator comparator) {
// * If root node is NULL, create a new node, assign it as the root node and return that
if(root==NULL) {
root = new Node(data);
return root;
// * Otherwise, call the recursive function using the root node
return insertDataRecursive(root, data, parentData, comparator);
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This helper method is used to insert data inside a binary tree based on the parent node's data
private Node insertDataRecursive(Node current, Object data, Object parentData, Comparator comparator) {
// * If current node's data is equal to parentData
if(comparator.compare(current.data, parentData)) {
// * If left child of current node is NULL, add a new node as the left child of the current node and return that
if(current.left==NULL) {
current.left = new Node(data);
return current.left;
// * Else if the right child of current node is NULL, add a new node as the right child of the current node and return that
else if(current.right==NULL) {
current.right = new Node(data);
return current.right;
// * Otherwise, return NULL as the current node already has two nodes and a new node cannot be inserted
else {
return NULL;
// * If current node's data is not equal to parentData, check in the left and right subtrees
// * If left subtree exists
if(current.left!=NULL) {
Node left = insertDataRecursive(current.left, data, parentData, comparator);
// * If the node is inserted in the left subtree, return the value received from the left subtree
if(left!=NULL) {
return left;
// * If right subtree exists
if(current.right!=NULL) {
Node right = insertDataRecursive(current.right, data, parentData, comparator);
// * If the node is inserted in the right subtree, return the value received from the right subtree
if(right!=NULL) {
return right;
// * Otherwise, return NULL as the node cannot be inserted
return NULL;
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to create a binary tree
public void createBinaryTree(List<Object> elements) {
// * Inserting elements in binary tree
for(Object element : elements) {
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to print binary tree level by level
public void levelOrderPrint() {
// * Checking if root is not NULL
if(root!=NULL) {
String result = '\n';
// * Initializing a queue
List<Node> nodesQueue = new List<Node>();
// * Adding root node to the queue
// * Looping while queue is not empty
while(!nodesQueue.isEmpty()) {
// * Getting nodes at current level
Integer nodesAtCurrentLevel = nodesQueue.size();
// * Looping while nodes at current level is more than 0
while(nodesAtCurrentLevel>0) {
// * Getting the current node and removing it from the queue
Node current = nodesQueue.get(0);
// * Adding current node data to the result
result += current.data + ' ';
// * If left child of the current node is not NULL, add it to the queue
if(current.left!=NULL) {
// * If right child of the current node is not NULL, add it to the queue
if(current.right!=NULL) {
// * Decrementing nodes at current level by 1
// * Adding a new line to the result for next level
result += '\n';
// * Displaying the result
// * If root is NULL, display error message
else {
System.debug('Tree not found');
/* * Author:- Rahul Malhotra * Description:- This method is used to find lowest common ancestor in a binary tree assuming that both object1 and object2 are present */ public Node lowestCommonAncestor(Object object1, Object object2, Comparator comparator) { return lowestCommonAncestor(root, object1, object2, comparator); }
How can we find the Lowest Common Ancestor in the Binary Tree?
/* * Author:- Rahul Malhotra * Description:- This helper method is used to find lowest common ancestor in a binary tree starting from a particular node */ private Node lowestCommonAncestor(Node current, Object object1, Object object2, Comparator comparator) { // * If the current node is NULL, return NULL if(current==NULL) { return NULL; } // * If current node's data is equal to one of object1 or object2, return the current node if( comparator.compare(current.data, object1) || comparator.compare(current.data, object2) ) { return current; } // * Otherwise, find object1 and object2 in left and right subtree Node left = lowestCommonAncestor(current.left, object1, object2, comparator); Node right = lowestCommonAncestor(current.right, object1, object2, comparator); /* * If one of object1 or object2 is present in the left subtree and one in right subtree, * return the current node as it's the lowest common ancestor */ if(left!=NULL && right!=NULL) { return current; } /* * Else if, both the object1 and object2 are present in the left subtree, * return the lowest common ancestor returned from the left subtree */ else if(left!=NULL) { return left; } // * Else, return the lowest common ancestor returned from the right subtree return right; }
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- Binary Tree implementation in apex
* Created Date:- 13-07-2021
* Last Modified:- 14-07-2021
* Code Origin:- SFDC Stop (https://www.sfdcstop.com)
public class BinaryTree {
// * Node class
public class Node {
Object data;
Node left;
Node right;
public Node(Object data) {
this.data = data;
this.left = NULL;
this.right = NULL;
public Object getData() {
return data;
// * Root of binary tree
Node root;
// * Method to insert data in binary tree
private void insertData(Object data) {
// * If root is NULL, create a new node and return
if(root==NULL) {
root = new Node(data);
// * Initializing a queue of nodes
List<Node> nodesQueue = new List<Node>();
// * Adding root node to the queue
// * Looping while queue is not empty
while(!nodesQueue.isEmpty()) {
// * Getting the current node and removing it from the queue
Node current = nodesQueue.get(0);
// * If the left child of current node is not null, add it to the queue
if(current.left!=NULL) {
// * Otherwise, create a new node and attach it as the left child
else {
current.left = new Node(data);
// * If the right child of current node is not null, add it to the queue
if(current.right!=NULL) {
// * Otherwise, create a new node and attach it to the right child
else {
current.right = new Node(data);
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to insert data inside a binary tree based on the parent node's data
public Node insertData(Object data, Object parentData, Comparator comparator) {
// * If root node is NULL, create a new node, assign it as the root node and return that
if(root==NULL) {
root = new Node(data);
return root;
// * Otherwise, call the recursive function using the root node
return insertDataRecursive(root, data, parentData, comparator);
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This helper method is used to insert data inside a binary tree based on the parent node's data
private Node insertDataRecursive(Node current, Object data, Object parentData, Comparator comparator) {
// * If current node's data is equal to parentData
if(comparator.compare(current.data, parentData)) {
// * If left child of current node is NULL, add a new node as the left child of the current node and return that
if(current.left==NULL) {
current.left = new Node(data);
return current.left;
// * Else if the right child of current node is NULL, add a new node as the right child of the current node and return that
else if(current.right==NULL) {
current.right = new Node(data);
return current.right;
// * Otherwise, return NULL as the current node already has two nodes and a new node cannot be inserted
else {
return NULL;
// * If current node's data is not equal to parentData, check in the left and right subtrees
// * If left subtree exists
if(current.left!=NULL) {
Node left = insertDataRecursive(current.left, data, parentData, comparator);
// * If the node is inserted in the left subtree, return the value received from the left subtree
if(left!=NULL) {
return left;
// * If right subtree exists
if(current.right!=NULL) {
Node right = insertDataRecursive(current.right, data, parentData, comparator);
// * If the node is inserted in the right subtree, return the value received from the right subtree
if(right!=NULL) {
return right;
// * Otherwise, return NULL as the node cannot be inserted
return NULL;
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to create a binary tree
public void createBinaryTree(List<Object> elements) {
// * Inserting elements in binary tree
for(Object element : elements) {
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to print binary tree level by level
public void levelOrderPrint() {
// * Checking if root is not NULL
if(root!=NULL) {
String result = '\n';
// * Initializing a queue
List<Node> nodesQueue = new List<Node>();
// * Adding root node to the queue
// * Looping while queue is not empty
while(!nodesQueue.isEmpty()) {
// * Getting nodes at current level
Integer nodesAtCurrentLevel = nodesQueue.size();
// * Looping while nodes at current level is more than 0
while(nodesAtCurrentLevel>0) {
// * Getting the current node and removing it from the queue
Node current = nodesQueue.get(0);
// * Adding current node data to the result
result += current.data + ' ';
// * If left child of the current node is not NULL, add it to the queue
if(current.left!=NULL) {
// * If right child of the current node is not NULL, add it to the queue
if(current.right!=NULL) {
// * Decrementing nodes at current level by 1
// * Adding a new line to the result for next level
result += '\n';
// * Displaying the result
// * If root is NULL, display error message
else {
System.debug('Tree not found');
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This method is used to find lowest common ancestor in a binary tree assuming that both object1 and object2 are present
public Node lowestCommonAncestor(Object object1, Object object2, Comparator comparator) {
return lowestCommonAncestor(root, object1, object2, comparator);
* Author:- Rahul Malhotra
* Description:- This helper method is used to find lowest common ancestor in a binary tree starting from a particular node
private Node lowestCommonAncestor(Node current, Object object1, Object object2, Comparator comparator) {
// * If the current node is NULL, return NULL
if(current==NULL) {
return NULL;
// * If current node's data is equal to one of object1 or object2, return the current node
comparator.compare(current.data, object1) ||
comparator.compare(current.data, object2)
) {
return current;
// * Otherwise, find object1 and object2 in left and right subtree
Node left = lowestCommonAncestor(current.left, object1, object2, comparator);
Node right = lowestCommonAncestor(current.right, object1, object2, comparator);
* If one of object1 or object2 is present in the left subtree and one in right subtree,
* return the current node as it's the lowest common ancestor
if(left!=NULL && right!=NULL) {
return current;
* Else if, both the object1 and object2 are present in the left subtree,
* return the lowest common ancestor returned from the left subtree
else if(left!=NULL) {
return left;
// * Else, return the lowest common ancestor returned from the right subtree
return right;
public abstract class Comparator {
public abstract Boolean compare(Object o1, Object o2);
/* * Author:- Rahul Malhotra * Description:- This helper class is used to compare two Ids. * It's used to find the lowest common ancestor of binary tree */ public class IdCompare extends Comparator { public override Boolean compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return (Id) o1 == (Id) o2; } }
BinaryTree.Node lowestCommonAncestorNode = tree.lowestCommonAncestor(firstEmployeeId, secondEmployeeId, new IdCompare());
/* * Author:- Rahul Malhotra * Description:- Helper class for Employee related computations * Created Date:- 14-07-2021 * Last Modified:- 14-07-2021 * Code Origin:- SFDC Stop (https://www.sfdcstop.com) */ public with sharing class EmployeeHelper { /* * Author:- Rahul Malhotra * Description:- This helper class is used to compare two Ids. * It's used to find the lowest common ancestor of binary tree */ public class IdCompare extends Comparator { public override Boolean compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return (Id) o1 == (Id) o2; } } /* * Author:- Rahul Malhotra * Description:- This helper method is used to get the Lead Manager of two employees given the employee id of both the employees */ public Id getLeadManager(Id firstEmployeeId, Id secondEmployeeId) { // * Defining lead manager id and initializing a binary tree Id leadManagerId; BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree(); // * Finding the topmost employee of the hierarchy Employee__c topEmployee = [SELECT Id FROM Employee__c WHERE Manager__c = null]; // * Proceed ahead if top employee is not NULL if(topEmployee!=NULL) { // * Storing the top employee id Id topEmployeeId = topEmployee.Id; // * Storing all the employees along with the child employees in the employees map Map<Id, Employee__c> employeesMap = new Map<Id, Employee__c>([SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM Employees__r) FROM Employee__c]); /* * Initializing a set of ids to store the tree elements, * a queue of ids as idQueue and creating an instance of IdCompare class */ Set<Id> treeElements = new Set<Id>(); List<Id> idQueue = new List<Id>(); IdCompare idCompare = new IdCompare(); // * Adding the top employee id to the idQueue idQueue.add(topEmployeeId); // * Inserting topEmployeeId in the tree tree.insertData(topEmployeeId, NULL, idCompare); // * Looping while idQueue is not empty while(!idQueue.isEmpty()) { // * Getting the id of employee in the front of queue Id currentEmployeeId = idQueue.get(0); idQueue.remove(0); // * Used to prevent duplicacy in tree if(!treeElements.contains(currentEmployeeId)) { // * Adding current employee id to tree elements treeElements.add(currentEmployeeId); // * If the current employee record has child records if(employeesMap.containsKey(currentEmployeeId)) { // * Getting the child records and inserting them in the tree List<Employee__c> childEmployees = employeesMap.get(currentEmployeeId).Employees__r; if(childEmployees!=NULL && !childEmployees.isEmpty()) { for(Employee__c childEmployee : childEmployees) { idQueue.add(childEmployee.Id); tree.insertData(childEmployee.Id, currentEmployeeId, idCompare); } } } } } // * Finding the lead manager in the binary tree using the first employee id and second employee id BinaryTree.Node lowestCommonAncestorNode = tree.lowestCommonAncestor(firstEmployeeId, secondEmployeeId, new IdCompare()); if(lowestCommonAncestorNode!=NULL) { // * Storing the lead manager id leadManagerId = (Id) lowestCommonAncestorNode.getData(); } } // * Returning the lead manager id return leadManagerId; } }
Employee__c angela = [SELECT Id FROM Employee__c WHERE Name =: 'E030']; Employee__c milana = [SELECT Id FROM Employee__c WHERE Name =: 'E026']; EmployeeHelper employeeHelper = new EmployeeHelper(); Id leadManagerId = employeeHelper.getLeadManager(angela.Id, milana.Id); Employee__c employee = [SELECT Name__c FROM Employee__c WHERE Id =: leadManagerId]; System.debug(employee.Name__c);
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